Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Tradition/Rant

The puking last night was definitely an indication of being super sick. Crazy high fever and cold chills with a side of sore throat and burning sinuses! Medicated and stayed home today. Really terrible because I REALLY need to be at work today and tomorrow. So many deadlines, so stressed out at work lately. 

Caution: this will be lengthy.

Anyways, it's Valentine's Day if you didn't realize that yet. I have had a very specific Valentine's Day tradition for the past 5 years. I have vowed never to spend a Valentine's Day with a boy if I have other friends available to hang out that evening. And YES, I have been doing this since BEFORE the stupid girl in "Valentine's Day" did it and made it a thing. 

Five years ago, I learned a very valuable lesson.
Significant others and relationships are breakable. A significant other can decide at anytime that he/she has found something better and/or new or more morbid (but true), can die at any point and leave you completely single. At that point the only people you really have are friends and family. I've always been closer to friends than family. 

When you make your significant other your entire life shutting out others, what are you really left with when the significant other is removed from your life? Exactly,

Then you're just that annoying person who resurfaces heartbroken and needy, who knows nothing about your friends current lives. You don't want to be that person and you don't want to feel that way.
Always make time for friends. 

While I'm thankful that to some degree I made it a point to balance friends and relationship (since I did have a good number of friends that were still there when significant other disappeared) it has become
so much more important to me to ensure that there is a really good balance there, and if anything 60% friendship, 40% relationship. 

Yes, I've heard it already -- this isn't fair to the current boy and how don't I feel bad for Sketchy or think about his point of view, but at the end of the day such is life: current and future significant others
will always have to deal with the damage a past sig other, relationship and/or life event has caused. 

This is basically
the first of many things I told sketchy which should have scared him off (friends will always take priority on my life list). Quite honestly, this is one of the reasons I know Sketchy is the one. Even if he doesn't like it, or understand it, he respects it. I have every other day of our lives to have dinner with Sketchy. Also, this is not to say that we don't exchange presents or that kind of thing, but I just don't feel like I need to block out the whole evening for him when I feel it would mean more to someone else. 

Until today, I have been able to be true to this tradition by at least having dinner with friends for Valentine's Day instead of a boy. 

Valentine's Day 2009

Valentine's Day 2011

Thanks to this ridiculously horrible flu situation I really feel too lightheaded to drive, much less go out and drink. I don't want to be around people and get them sick either. As such, I cancelled tonight and I am so so so upset about it. I'm a creature of habit with a slight case of OCD. I like stability and tradition and I very much dislike change and/or breaking of tradition! 

I don't know what I'm more upset about, the fact that I'm sick and dying or the fact that I have had to cancel my plans tonight. 

Anyways, next year I'm making up for sure, granted I have friends that want to hang out on V-Day and are not busy with their sig others. 

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